ドイツを代表するフィルムクルーで世界的にも評価が高い、ISENSEVENから最新作『A WAY WE GO』の予告編がアップ!
ISENSEVEN “A WAY WE GO” TRAILER 2013 from Isenseven on Vimeo.
“A Way We Go”. That’s the name of the game. Our 2013 full length film. Number twelve in a row.
This year’s film documents the season of Alex Tank, DBK, Stephan Maurer, Wojtek Pawlusiak and Ludde Lejkner, on their journey through the world and their home countries in search of the best snow, the best spots and most of all: The best times! They are joined by the usual suspects Marco Smolla, Fips and Tobi Strauss and there are a bunch of cameo appearances by many other homies, new and old.
This film will give you more insight on what goes on during our trips to far away places and there will still be more snowboard action than you can shake a stick at.
We hope you’ll love it. Because Isenseven loves you!
Pleasure Snowboard Magazin presents
The new film from Isenseven
Available on DVD and iTunes September 2013
A film by Alex Schiller
featuring the work of Tom Elliott, Artur C. Tatar, Cory Rain, Elmar Bossard, Karsten Boysen, Johann Karlsson and Vincent Urban.
Graphics by Michael “Mixen” Wiethaus
Starring: Alex Tank, David Bertschinger Karg, Stephan Maurer, Wojtek Pawlusiak and Ludwig Lejkner.
Also featuring: Marco Smolla, Philipp Strauss, Tobias Strauss, Boris Bühler and many other friends.
Supported by: Burton Snowboards, Head Snowboards, Planet-Sports.com, Analog, Zimtstern, Bataleon Snowboards, Chiemsee, DC, Airblaster and K2 Snowboarding
Silver Firs
“Away We Go”
from the Album “Silver Firs”
Courtesy of Oh, Sister Records
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