VIVO HEADWEARに強力スケーター、ウェイド・デサルモ(Wade Desarmo)が加入した。
VIVO HEADWEARは、スノーボーダーでも布施忠、マリア・フランス・ロイなど最強のライダーたちが揃っているが、スケートの方もマーク・アップルヤードなど、超強力布陣を揃えている。
Vivo headwear welcomes Wade Desarmo to the team.
With the recent signing of Canadians top skaters Mark Appleyard, Spencer Hamilton, Paul Trep and Grant Patterson they now have a full force of heavy hitters rocking the Vivo goods.
Vivo headwear is rider driven, rider owned and artist inspired, so I am sure you will spot Wade rolling around in a signature cap.
Rumour has it they are dropping a new website along with there very own TV show in July. We even heard the likes of Ronnie Creager on their roster!
Vivo Headwearお問い合わせ先
Tel: 03-5825-8187
e-mail: [email protected]