【Moive】Lipstick Productions エピソード3

広告 five  

ヨーロッパのガールズ・ライダーたちが集まったフィルム・クルーのLipstick Productionsから、エピソード3がアップ!


Liptrip episode#3: MACEDONIA from Lipstick Productions on Vimeo.


The Liptrip episodes will follow us through the season and capture our trips. This time our annual adventure trip took us to Popova Shapka in Macedonia. Chasing powder in the Balkan Revelstoke! Thanks to Eskimo Freeride for taking us catboarding!! Thanks Vlado & Tommi!

check out: eskimo-freeride.com

featuring Ana Rumiha, Basa Stevulova, Julia Baumgartner & Conny Bleicher, as well as Carlos Blanchard

filmed and edited by Rene Gallo

motion graphics by Sandra Kovacic

music: Trouble Andrew "Global Trouble"


