今季、『Bottom Line』をリリースしたPirate Movie Productionが、撮影シーンを振り返る『Pirate Log』。パート3は、バックカントリーのキッカー・シーンを紹介。
Pirate Log #3 Cooke City part 1 from Pirate Movie Production on Vimeo.
This week’s PirateLog is all about Cooke City. We fell in love with this tiny village that is situated right next to the Yellow Stone National Park a few years back already! It was Justin, our North American filmer that introduced us to this spot back then and eventually was guiding the crew consisting of Tyler, Stian and Marco through the wilderness this last season. Marco was leading the hard working crew by pushing the others with his motivation, commitment and skills. And that’s good for everyone, including you! Stay tuned for Part 2.