【動画】Superpark 20 サンライズ・セッション!

広告 five  





Insane Sunrise Session On The Mammoth Jump from Snowboarder Magazine on Vimeo.

On the final day of Superpark 20, one of the heaviest jump sessions we’ve ever witnessed went down on the Mammoth Jump. At over 110 feet to the sweet spot, the Mammoth jump was huge and gave riders like Halldor Helgason, Sven Thorgren, Kyle Mack, Chris Corning, Werni Stock, Sebbe De Buck, and many more tons of air time to try new tricks, slow rotations, and cool grabs. This just might be the most tricks landed before 8am in history……

Filmed by: Cole Taylor, Greg Weaver, Tim Humphreys, Harry Hagan, Jon Ray, John Cavan, and Trent Ludwig.
Edited by: John Cavan
Song: “Black Saint” by Witch
