【動画】Burton US Open 平野歩夢ほか

広告 five  

先日、Burton US Openでルーキーアワードに選出された平野歩夢。この子のポテンシャルは超ヤバイぞ!

その他、昔のUS OPENを懐かしむスラローム大会の模様も。2本の動画をどうぞ。


You may have seen 12 year old Ayumu Hirano poaching the pipe with an amazing run at last year’s US Open. Now at 13 years old, Ayumu laid down a near perfect run at the Junior Jam yesterday at this year’s US Open. The age limit for the Junior Jam is 13, so expect to see Ayumu doing big things in next year’s Open.

Filmed by:
Kosuke Shinozaki


The Washed Up Cup at the US Open brought back the original, rowdy, free-for-all feeling of the early US Opens. A timed race, the Washed Up Cup blended banked turns, gates, and a jump all into one course. To enter, one had to be washed up, that is, not having a sponsor for the last six years and had participated in a previous US Open. Check out the video for all the action and try to come out next time.

Filmed By:
Alex Adrian

Edited by:
Mark Cernosia


