Think Thankからクリス・ラーソンを追悼する作品がリリース!

広告 five  

Think Thankと言えば、かつてスノーボーダーたちがこぞってスノーボード・ショップで買ったDVDである。これまであまりなかったクリエティブ且つユニークなトリックばかりを収めた作品は、スノーボード・シーンに旋風を巻き起こした。
そのThink Thankから、今年4月に他界されたライダー、クリス・ラーソンを偲ぶ作品We Love You Larsonがリリースされた。

Chris Luca Larson grew up on video creating some of the most ground breaking snowboarding segments of all time. His tight knit group of friends were there with him, filming, snowboarding, laughing and shoveling together. This video isn’t meant to be the ultimate retrospective of Larson or shed light on why he left us so early. Rather this video is so we can celebrate his accomplishments as a snowboarder as well as just see and hear him again whenever we need to be with our friend.

We didn’t just lose Larson to suicide this year, we (the Think Thank / snowboarding family) also lost Jaeger Bailey. That’s two bright lights snuffed out way too early. Please visit, learn and or donate on behalf of Larson and Jaeger to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention here:


Please visit to learn more about Chris and the Chris Larson Hot Dogger Scholarship Fund.

And most importantly above all else please reach out to each other and love each other with the time we have together.

“We Love You Larson”
