毎年、ユニークな映像の数々で世界中のスノーボーダーをうならせるThink Thankが、最新作『Right Brain Left Brain』に出演するニッキー(ニック・ビスコンティ)とジェシー(ジェス・キムラ)のティーザーをアップさせた。
Nicky and Jess from Jesse Burtner on Vimeo.
Nicky and Jess
by Jesse Burtner
This is the first of many Right Brain Left Brain web teasers leading up to the release of the video. This little gem features the lovely Nick Visconti and the bad ass Jess Kimura. Enjoy!
DVDがリリースする前に、ユーザーへ向けて販売意欲をアップさせるティーザーは、通常1つだけであることが多いが、Think Thankはいくつかのバージョンをアップさせる模様。すでに5カ月も前にも公式っぽいティーザー『Right Brain Left Brain triler』をアップさせている。
Right Brain Left Brain trailer from Jesse Burtner on Vimeo.
Right Brain Left Brain trailer
by Jesse Burtner
Think Thank goes straight to the dome with "Right Brain Left Brain" Meticulously messy, precisely unpredictable and controlled chaos; snowboarding is everything and can do anything. Such a lofty pursuit takes both halves of one’s brain. Think Thank is taking the time this season to pull our brains apart, examine the differences and then put them back stronger than ever. Creative control concisely conjured for cuticle carousing co-opting corrosive comatose inducing creatures. Thanks again brain!