The Mad Ones ティーザー

広告 five  

ネクスト・ジェネレーションを揃えたThe Mad Onesのティーザーがアップ!




The Mad Ones: Teaser from Liam Gallagher on Vimeo.

"They danced down the streets like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I’ve been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!"

-Jack Kerouac, "On The Road"

The Mad Ones is a a web-based video project by Liam Gallagher. Inspired by the Beat Generation and specifically the writings of Jack Kerouac, The Mad Ones will follow the freaks, all winter long. Web flicks will be released every Monday through May. Some will be action edits, others about odd balls or oddities seen, weird experiences or whatever else happens to happen. Then, next September it’ll all be mashed into a free-for-download movie.

Featuring: Forest Bailey, Forrest Burki, Patrick McCarthy, Shaun McKay, Wyatt Stasinos, Nick Russell, Scotty Wittlake, Bryan Fox, Austin Smith, Keegan Valaika, Mark Landvik, Blair Habenicht, Lucas Debari, Nick Ennen Matt Edgers, Kael Martin and many more.

Supported by: K2 Snowboarding and Drink Water.

"Something Like You"
Can’t Get Enough
Sugar Sugar Sugar


The Mad Ones: Here and Now from Liam Gallagher on Vimeo.

It’s all happening now. Here’s a few from the last three days at Mt. Baker. Dig the present.

The Mad Ones is a a web-based video project by Liam Gallagher. Inspired by the Beat Generation and specifically the writings of Jack Kerouac, The Mad Ones will follow the freaks, all winter long. Web flicks will be released every Monday through May. Some will be action edits, others about odd balls or oddities seen, weird experiences or whatever else happens to happen. Then, next September it’ll all be mashed into a free-for-download movie.

Featuring: Forest Bailey, Forrest Burki, Patrick McCarthy, Shaun McKay, Wyatt Stasinos, Nick Russell, Scotty Wittlake, Bryan Fox, Austin Smith, Keegan Valaika, Mark Landvik, Blair Habenicht, Nick Ennen, Lucas Debari, Matt Edgers, Skylar Thornton, Alex Yoder, Kael Martin and many more.

Supported by: K2 Snowboarding and Drink Water. 

