カナダ・バンクーバー周辺で台頭して来たブライアン・マクケニーの新しいプロジェクト、The Blair Switch。
The Blair Switch Teaser – Blair McKinney 2015 Full Part from Snowboarder Magazine on Vimeo.
In 1999, The Blair Witch Project became a mega movie hit, shocking viewers with a never-been-done, found footage style of horror film that totally freaked out audiences (as well as was said to caution motion sickness). Flash forward to 2015, and Blair McKinney is compiling his own NBDs from a season’s worth time spent grinding in the streets that is sure to be just plain sick. Where the original Blair With Project was loose and lofi, The Blair Switch Project will be the opposite: much more technical, yet rife with Blair’s smooth and easy style. If the past few seasons of full parts dropped by the Mt. Seymour local are any indication of what to expect–and we’re confident that they are, this is going to be good. Blair’s full part drops eerily this Fall on Halloween, so while you’re waiting for the release, watch and re-watch this teaser for what looks like Blair’s best offering yet.