世界にハウツーを発信しているSnowboard Addictionから、ハーフパイプのハウツー作品のティーザーがアップされた。
これまでにもジャンプ編、ジブ編のDVDをリリースし、世界中にわかりやすいハウツーを紹介して来たSnowboard Addictionだけに、今回のパイプ編も楽しみだ。
How to Ride Pipe Teaser
Our newest teaser gives a peek into our How to Ride Pipe tutorial, which breaks down the basic skills required to ride pipe and is perfect for beginner to intermediate pipe riders. This sweet instructional video touches on building and maintaining speed through pumping, dropping in, adjusting your line, daily drills to improve your skills and also touch on some basic tricks including air to fakies, ally oops and 360’s. And if you can already ride pipe, it’ll give you some useful insight on how to boost higher and show you some basic tricks.
The Riding Pipe snowboard instructional video is currently available via the subscribers area.