Landing Headwearにソルトレイクの有望株が加入!

広告 five  

Landing Headwearにソルトレイクの有望株として知られるベン・ビロドー(Ben Bilodeau)が加入した!

ベンは、FODTの最新ムービー、『Familia 2』にも登場する。


Park City with Technine and Jimmy Page from Patrick Raichur on Vimeo.

Landing Headwear welcomes Ben Bilodeau to the team 

Landing is glad to welcome Ben Bilodeau to its snow team. Ben is one young talented fella from Salt Lake City, Utah. You can see him in the new FODT movie “Familia 2” and be sure you will hear more of him this coming season.

Ben’s current sponsors are LANDING, Technine, Osiris and Milo.

Ben joins Jonah Owen, Ian Sams, Marc Swoboda, Andrew Brewer, Zach Rawles and Erik Leon to the Landing team.

For further info about Landing Headwear, please go to or contact us at [email protected]

-The Landing Crew 

[MAURK] ass busters from GTTH on Vimeo.

Landing Headwear お問い合わせ先
Tel: 03-5825-8187
e-mail: [email protected]


