【動画】NuuLife Cinema新作ティーザー

広告 five  

ウィスラー近辺で活動しているNuuLife Cinema新作ティーザーのパート2、『Sixes and Sevens』がドロップオフされた!

"Sixes and Sevens" – Teaser #2 from NuuLife Cinema on Vimeo.



So the season is pretty much wrapped. Summer camps are winding down, parts are being cut, and photos scoped. It may seem like some bleary, desolate, snowless months ahead, but never fear, we’ve got your fix.

Get ready to watch a bunch of crazy, reckless fools toss their carcasses, send their lives, and generally get really stupid. What can we say, we’re all Sixes and Sevens.

Skullcandy is kicking down some freakin’ sweet prizes, for a contest that will be announced with the release of the teaser. Get ready to comb through your own footy and photos from the year, cuz we’re gonna have a different contest each week (for 5 straight weeks!). Not only that, we’re opening up the vaults to drop a new web edit to go with each contest. Check out the blog for more details. HOT DAMN!

And you thought summer was boring.



