オーストリアのNatureel Filmsから、最新作となる『Beneath the Boarder』のティーザーがアップ!
Raja Khanなる人物が、自由を求めて戦うというストーリー。カシミールで初のプロ・ライダーを目指す。
Beneath the Boarder – Film Teaser from Cassie De Colling on Vimeo.
Raja Khan lives with his family in the mountains of Kashmir, five kilometers from the disputed Line of Control between the Indian and Pakistan army.
Living under the suppression of the Indian army with limited education, the risk of avalanche dangers and the restraints of society, what are Raja’s chances of breaking free? When foreigners first came to the mountains of Kashmir with snowboards under their arms Raja watched as they surfed down the snow-covered mountains and he quickly realised there was more life to the war-torn world he knew.