【動画】ハウツー・バックサイド180 Snowboard Dojo Wiz

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いつもわかりやすい丁寧な解説をしてくれる高石周コーチによるSnowboard Dojo Wiz。




This video will introduce you to the spin back side 180 for intermediate snowboarders.
The Back side 180 rotates the entire body and snowboard 180 degrees in the air while the chest faces backwards to initiate the spin.

Here are the technical key points for the spinning back side 180.

1. 2 or 3 set up turns
2. Knees, hips, and head over the toe edge to pop and spin nicely
3. Heels down to reduce edge angle
4. Wait to takeoff until your board touches the lip
5. Pull your hind arm to help rotate hips
6. Rotate and pull your front arm up to keep your body straight
7. Stand your body 90 degrees from the jump angle and pop
8. Suck up your knees after popping to get more rotation
9. Look at an area 2 meters away from your body to keep your body straight
10. Try to not show your base
11. Stand up quickly to get a stronger base

The spin 180 is a basic trick, but there aren’t very many intermediate level riders who make a fuss over quality.
But it’s fundamental for all spins to get the right timing to pop, body position to generate spins, and so on.
It’s still a cool trick for advanced riders to show their style as well.
Snowboard dojo wiz, an expert on coaching intermediate snowboarders.

I hope you like the video and gave you more idea to improve your snowboarding.
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