Gentem women’s | Live your life from GENTEMSTICK / THE SNOWSURF on Vimeo.
厳冬期のニセコ、Gentem womens それぞれの日常を切り取ったショートフィルム。いくつになってもどんなに環境が変化しても、心から夢中になれるもの、自由になれる場所を持ち続けること。手放す必要なんてどこにもない。私たちにとって滑り続けることは、いつまでも自分らしく自然体で生きていくということ。
A short movie deciphering a day in the life of Gentemstick women’s crew.
No matter the environment change or getting along the years, everyone needs a place where they can be themselves and something they can be stoked about.
There should be no reasons to let that go.
To keep gliding on snow is to be ourselves and true to our lives.