I have been teaching beginner snowboarders for many years, and I have found that more than 80% of beginners have difficulty turning to the toe side from their heel edge.
Here are two drills to help you learn how to turn onto your toe side.
- Open Door/Close Door drill
The first drill.
Guide the turn with your front hand as if you were opening or closing a door.
Try to keep your eyes on the next turn.
- Pedal Drill
The second drill.
Step down on the front foot as you enter the turn on the toe side,
as if you were stepping on a car pedal.
Then, to make this movement successful,
let your front hand do the same motion.
People have movements they want to do but cannot do them well because of fear.
These two drills will help you conquer your fear.
Finally, practice the pendulum exercise for your toe side edge again.
This practice will help you remember the correct posture for the toe side.
Adding jumps during the pendulum exercise will make the practice even better.