この夏も北米から多くのキッズを受け入れているCamp of Championsから、最初の週のセッション、キャンプAのハイライト動画。
Camp of Champions: 2016 Snowboard Week A from Camp of Champions on Vimeo.
Come ride the most progressive summer park anywhere. It’s a Holy Bowly style set up that takes the summer snowboard experience somewhere it’s never been before that is also the most fun and flowy set up you’ll ever ride. Featuring Brodey Wolfe, Ben Poechman, David Joncas, Brin Alexander, Mikey Ciccarrelli, Tyler Nicholson, Max Eberhardt, Chris DePaula, Darrah Reid-MacLean, Maria Thomsen, Kiersten Higginson, Nick Elliott, Lucas Ouellette, TJ Koskela, Mary Rand, Nic Heringa, Mark Goodall, Kody Williams, Adam Franks, Colter Heard, Lucio Majer, Tommy Van, Scot Brown, Kevin Sansalone, Marcus Rand, Kai Ujejski, Coulton Conway, Martyn Vachon and Jesse Paul.
Edited by: Alex Bielawski
Filmed by: Seb Judge, Alex Bielawski