広告 five  

I will teach you how to ride switch on a snowboard.
If you can ride switch, your balance will improve and snowboarding will become more fun.
There are two drills I’m going to show you for that!

The first is the 360 turn.
On an easy slope, try to do a 360 turn on the toe side and the heel side.


Once you edge on the toe side, continue turning to make a 360 turn.
The final 180 turn will then be the same as riding switch on the heel side.
Flatten the board from the toe side and finish the turn on the heel side.

Next, do a 360 turn on the heel side.
Flatten the board from the heel side and finish the turn on the toe side.

When you go snowboarding and find an easy slope, do this drill to get used to making turns while riding switch.

Let’s actually do a switch turn.
At this point, try to make ourselves look like a teapot.

Lead the next turn with your front hand.
Your back hand should be on your hip, this will make your body more aligned with your snowboard.

For beginners who want to learn switch, I recommend leading your arms into the next turn.
As you get used to it, focus on using your lower body rather than your upper body to initiate turns.

Lead your hips in the direction of the turn.
And finally, you should be able to begin turns with just a pedal motion of your ankles.

This will make your switch snowboarding much more consistent.
