ニュース えっ!この雪山は写真でなく・・・ から Fusaki Iida - 2020年3月8日 シェア FacebookTwitterLINEWhatsAppEmail 広告 このどこかウィスラー風の景色だけど、なんとなんと写真でなく・・・。 この投稿をInstagramで見る Painting a mountain is not just painting a mountain. Every little detail tells a story and reveals a feature of the landscape. This is one of the things I’ve always loved about landscapes as a painting subject. The variety and amount of details that make up a whole scene. Like chimes in a symphony, or spices in a dish, they are there to enhance the centerpiece. In this painting, surrounding the magnificent Mount Assiniboine, there’s so many little features like these trees and their shadows growing on the foot of the mountain, that keep me busy and give the painting a rich narrative to discover and enjoy. #brushaction🎥 Lucas K.(@lucas.kratochwil)がシェアした投稿 – 2020年 3月月6日午後5時14分PST 広告