80年代のスケート・スタイルをベースに作ったというArobor SnowboardsのZygote Twin。
The Zygote Twin artist collaboration with C.R. Stecyk III from Arbor Collective on Vimeo.
The Zygote Twin is a non-symmetrical twin inspired by the shaping and heritage of early 80’s skateboard designs. For 2016 we collaborated on the graphic with the cryptic narrator and historian of Southern California skateboarding, Craig Stecyk. As an artist, writer, and photographer during the adolescence of the Dog Town movement, Stecyk became the conduit that would bring recognition to the Z-Boys from Venice, California. For 20 years now, Arbor has called Venice home and we’re proud to honor that heritage by collaborating with one of the most iconic artists in surf, skate, and snow culture.
Find more information on the Zygote Twin on our site at: arborcollective.com/snowboards/products/zygote-twin/
Featuring Riders: Erik Leon, Justin Norman, and Emil Ulsletten
Filmed By: Paul Heran, Nate Shute
Edited By: Cole Taylor
Shot on location at: Mammoth Mountain – The Holy Bowly & Superpark 20
Special Thanks to: Krush Kulesza & Snowboarder Magazine