ブラガリアからグローバルにリリースされているスノー、スケート用ソックス・ブランドのStinky Socks。
そのデザインを担当したアーティスト、Slav Vitanovを紹介するPV、Slav Vitanov x Stinky Socks – fall / winter 2013がアップ。
Slav Vitanov x Stinky Socks – fall / winter 2013 from Stinky Socks on Vimeo.
Slav Vitanov is one of those type of artists that either love working with you or does not pay any attention to you at all. There is nothing in the world that could make him do something that he is not passionate about or not inspired of. That’s why we feel blessed that our paths crossed and he was inspired by Stinky to create those awesome illustrations that took part of our Fall / Winter 2013 packages.
Thank you Slav for being you!
Read Slav’s interview here: bit.ly/18nwtWn
For more of him you can visit:
For more out of Stinky: