【動画】The Shred Show Day 5 Mogul Duel

広告 five  

春のシャバ雪を期待して行われるThe Shred Showのモーグル大会だったけど、今年はカチコチのモーグル・バーンに。それでも、これだけのパフォーマンスをしちゃうのだから、凄いもんだね。



After all TTR duties are fulfilled it’s time for the rest of us to blow off some steam and have a good time. The Mogul Duel has always been the place for a little friendly competition between snowboarders who normally wouldn’t get a run together, and occasionally a snowlerblader shows up.

The final on-snow event of The Shred Show for 2012 saw a generational battle that in the end was claimed by young Zak Hale! One more party and we can put a fork in this one.

Photo by Russell Dalby / Monster Energy



