ベン・ファーガソンがCrab Grabチームに加入!

広告 five  

Red Bull Double Pipeなど、パイプやパークで新しいスノーボードのムーブメントを提案、その勢いで今、最もホットなライダーの一人と言われているベン・ファーガソンがCrab Grabチームに加入した!

Crab Grabは、ボードをエアー中にグラブしたり、リフトから降りる時、後ろ足を乗せるスポットの滑り止めのようなパットを作っていて、そのデザインは、今、機能面というよりファッション面から多くのライダーたちに支持されている。



May 8, 2015 Ben Ferguson took his first snow camping trip, near his home in Central Oregon. Local resorts had all closed for the season, but there was still snow in the high country so we sent local flimer/photographer/guide Pete Alport along to show Ferg the ropes, and capture some memories. The point wasn’t to log hammers or film a flawless video part. The boys just wanted to find some snow, sleep under the stars, and to have an adventure. The snow was rutted frozen slush, but they built a few jumps, and Ben sent it regardless. When they got down off the mountain, exhausted, he drove straight from the snow park 2 hours to have dinner with his parents for Mother’s Day. Solid dude.

