【動画】#stinkyfamily at Trollhaugen

広告 five  

ブルガリア生まれのソックス・ブランド、Stinky Socksから、最新動画がアップ!

#stinkyfamily at Trollhaugen from Stinky Socks on Vimeo.

Super hyped to have those guys showing up at Troll for that week. For sure those were the best days ever! Enjoy some first time ever at Troll, Yawgoon’s moves by Marcus Rand and SoCal hammers from the Big Bear guys. Supper thankful for the hospitality to Austin Young, Jeffy Gabrick and everyone at Troll!


Thanks: Marcus Rand, Jake Schaible, Jared Macdaniel, Walker Murphy, Mike Gray, Hunter Murphy, Robert Toste, Melissa Evans, Jeffy Gabrick and Austin Young.
Check out the #stinkyfamily here:
Film/Еdit: Dimo Petkov
Super 8: Hristo Petkov

