【動画】Connect The Dots – Premiere Tour Week 3

広告 five  

Postland Theoryからプレミア(試写会)ツアーの模様、3週目がアップ!

Connect The Dots – Premiere Tour Week 3 from Postland Theory on Vimeo.

Three premieres and a week of snowboarding. After Zürich we head out to Innsbruck, for the first few days bad weather struck the glacier so we were forced to entertain ourselves in the villages. Then Pleasure Jam at Dachstein.
This is the last premiere tour video, that means that Monday 8 dec the full download will be available.
Featuring: Kas Lemmens, Cees Wille, Jeron Lohner, Benny Urban, Roel Van Oosterhout, Jesse Augustinus, Raffi Kossman, Bob Van Unnik, Dominik Wagner, Ziga Rakoveg, Matic Zavodnik, Max Zebe, David Struber.
