【Movie】ASHLEY by Coldfocus Productions

広告 five  

フィンランドのフィルム・クルー、ASHLEYから最新作『Coldfocus Productions』が公開!

ASHLEY- Snowboard movie 2011 / Coldfocus Productions from Coldfocus Productions on Vimeo.

Juha Blid, Stefano Benchimol, Tomi Passi,
 Antti-Juhani Piirainen, Jonne Heinonen,
Risto Ruokola, Stefano Bergamaschi and Pyry Lepisto.


Directed, filmed and edited by Matteo Maggi
 Produced by coldfocus.it

Graphics by: ditroit.it

Supported by:
bataleon.com, ashburyeyewear.com, capitasnowboarding.com, elmcompany.com, shapestore.it, unionbindingcompany.com, bansheebungee.com, 100-one.it, likemilk.com, methodmag.com and Sequence Magazine.

Music by:
-Amber Oak myspace.com/amberoak
 -Club de Lay myspace.com/delayclub
 -Wedding Crashers weddingcrashersmusic.com
 -Stanford itunes.apple.com/ca/album/stanford/id379363686, stanfordtheband.blogspot.com
 -The Wind Whistles thewindwhistles.com

Feel free to embed this video, but please don’t steal the source, we need our own stats, thanks!


