Volcomチーム・ライダーのアーサー・ロンゴ、マーカス・クルーブランド、テリエ・ハーコンセンなどが出演するVolcom Park Edit @pirminjuffinger がアップ!
Could April and May be the best months for park riding?
The warming rays of the sun collaborate to make the snow softer and more forgiving whilst simultaneously unraveling the beauty of cleavages of all shapes & sizes faster than Spring Lilies popping through the remnants of valley snow.
Now is the time to push yourself, to add that last 180 rotation that you’ve been planning on all winter. Now is the time to go fast and hit that park kicker you thought was out of your league. Now is the time to actually ask the the girl at the bakery that’s secretly been smiling at you and undoing her top button all winter out for a drink. Now is the time to venture to the Volcom/Nitro Snow park at Kitzsteinhorn (http://www.kitzsteinhorn.at/en/snowpark) or the park in Laax-Switzerland (http://www.laax.com/en/skiing-area/sn…), then rounding it off with sunny smiles and cold beers, shared with friends old and new.
And if you to need freshen up your wardrobe with spring-appropriate attire, we have just what you need right here:
If still in doubt, this fine spring edit by Pirmin featuring Volcom riders Terje, Arthur, Olivier Marcus Kleveland and others will seal the deal.