この秋、新作『Ransack Rebellion』をリリースするThink Thankから、ジェイソン・ロビンソンの1シーンがアップされた。
Meet the key members of Think Thank’s "Ransack Rebellion". First up is the intrepid Jason Robinson. The "spirit counselor"? Ok J-Rob, whatever you say….
以下、Think Thank 新作『Ransack Rebellion』のティーザー。
Think Thank crew attacks the world of snowboarding in 2011’s Ransack Rebellion. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure is the philosophy leaving no surface unridden is the mission statement. Already stacked to maximum capacity "Ransack Rebellion" is a guaranteed slaughter fest of freestyle snowboard mayhem. A rebellion against boredom and snowboarding’s status quo "Ransack Rebellion" will push your face.