【動画】Think Thank『Brain Dead Heart Attack』サム・ハルバート

広告 five  

この秋、新作『Brain Dead Heart Attack』をリリースするThink Thank(シンク・サンク)が、サム・ハルバートのパートを公開した!

今季で10作品目という記念すべきイヤーを迎えるThink Thankは、スノーボード・ビデオの世界に、トリッキーでユニークで、かつクリエィティブな世界を表現した先駆者。
このサム・ハルバートのパートでも、Think Thankらしい雰囲気を出している。



Think Thank “Brain Dead Heart Attack” – Sam Hulbert Full Part from Snowboarder Magazine on Vimeo.

Think Thank’s tenth video “Brain Dead Heart Attack” is out today in shops, shipping direct from thinkthank.com or on iTunes ( georiot.co/XUo)! To celebrate we’re leaking Sam Hulbert’s full part! Sam is an all terrain ripper that has been filming with Think Thank for five years. Usually splitting his time heavily between contests and filming, this season he buckled down and focused more on filming. From the streets of his Massachusetts home all the way across to the Chugach mountains of Alaska, triple kinks and triple helicopters, all while having a squawking good time. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Sam Hulbert.

“Brain Dead Heart Attack” is two movies squashed together in to one 46 minute maelstrom. To get the BlueRay DVD combo pack with an hour of bonus footage head to your local shop or visit: thinkthank.com
Or download on iTunes right now! georiot.co/XUo



