The Headstonesから最新作品の予告編(The Introduction)が公開!
The Headstones The Introduction from The Headstones on Vimeo.
Mammouth Durette
Sébastien Picard
Maxime Desroches
Vincent Grandmaison
Michel Grégoire
J.P. Morin
Francis Bernard
Francis Lachance
Olivier Chabot
Filmed by
Mikael Scremin
Anthony Drolet Tremblay
Max cam
Additionel footage
Harry Hagan
Edited by
Mikael Scremin
and the crew
produced by
Alexis B.G and
Mikael Scremin
Supported by
rome, vans, ashbury, burton, boutique du skate, dinosor will die, nuclear, empire and howl
Media support by
Videograss and onboard