QUIKSILVERがリリースしている動画シリーズ『Cinematic Video Series』から、Camp of Championsでのセッションの様子がアップ!
Traveling north again, this time in the middle of summer to head up to the ‘Camp of Champions’ in Whistler BC. In this episode we meet up with our Candian friends Matt Belzile, Alex Beebe and Chris Rasman to get some summertime shredding up at the blackcomb glacier. Enjoy!
High Cascade Snowboard Camp is the best place to be in July. Sunshine, snow and amazing snowboard parks grace the snowfilelds of Mt. Hood Oregon. In this episode we meet up with Bryan Fox, Ted Borland and Colorado super grom Sam Buckmelter, to shred apart the HCSC on hill park. Watch and enjoy, then ask yourself where you should be in the summer if your not at Mt. Hood.