【動画】Pirate Log #8 モンタナ

広告 five  

今季、『Bottom Line』をリリースしたPirate Movie Productionが、撮影シーンを振り返る『Pirate Log』。


Pirate Log #8 Montana from Pirate Movie Production on Vimeo.


The story brings us back to Cooke City, Montana. After riding rails for some time it was not easy for Kalle Ohlson and Chris Sörman to get back the feeling of landing in powder. Also Gerome "Coin Coin" Mathieu took quite a beating before stomping his tricks while sessioning with Victor Teymurov who was on his first Pirate Trip.

Get Bottom Line on iTunes >> itunes.apple.com/us/movie/bottom-line/id471794764


