Rome Snowboardsから、Find Snowboarding: NORWAYがアップ!
Find Snowboarding: NORWAY from Rome Snowboards on Vimeo.
When Find Snowboarding was first conceptualized, there was no idea of how exactly it would end. The only thing certain was that each trip would be centered on adventure, travel and unique elements of snowboarding.
The alien streets of Kazakhstan showed an unseen part of the world, ripe with snowboard possibility. The wind-tattered Aleutians taught the value of preparation and patience. The open, long-standing glaciers of Norway… well that’s a different story.
To truly finish off this project, Will Lavigne and Thomas Delfino hit the open roads of Europe on a journey from Munich to Oslo. From there they met up with Stale Sandbech, Toni Kerkelä and Len Jorgensen to hit the Fonna glacier.
From Kazakhstan to Alaska to Norway, Find Snowboarding is a celebration of all things that are pure and good about snowboarding; traveling, the adventure, the sensation, having fun with your friends and exploring the possibilities of being strapped in.
Find Snowboarding: NORWAY is the story of snowboarders traveling to go snowboarding. Once you put your deck down, strap in and take that heel-side carve it doesn’t matter where it is because at that point snowboarding has been found.
So enjoy the last full film from the Rome Snowboards Find Snowboarding project and get stoked because snowboarding is the shit.