今季、最も話題のスノーボード・ムービー作品になりそうなCAPiTAのチーム・ムービー、『Defenders of Awesome 2 – STAY BAD ASS』。すでにもう試写会などで見ている人もいるようだけど、その中からスコット・スティーブンスの本編(=A面)とは違ったB-sides(B=面)のパートが公開された!
With the final installment of the Tuesday Teasers for CAPiTA: Defenders of Awesome 2 – STAY BAD ASS we bring you a Scott Stevens full B-sides segment! STAY BAD ASS is in stores now, catch a premiere near you, order a copy now at http://www.c3-shop.com/products/capit… or download online starting September 30th.
As the first CAPiTA team video released in three years and the highly anticipated sequel to 2011’s Defenders of Awesome, this movie delivers bad ass snowboarding from a stacked team featuring; Scott Stevens, Kazu Kokubo, Jess Kimura, Dan Brisse, Phil Jacques, Cale Zima, Brandon Cocard and Dustin Craven, as well as up and comers Mike Rav, Johnny O’Connor, Dylan Gamache and Brendan Gerard.