Bruners New Season from The Bruners on Vimeo.
Bruners new season video to launch our new website thebruners.com
Skate shots, B-shots, second angles and shots from the boys parts in Nowamean Deadend.
Filmed by Bruners filmers: Julien Choiniere and Will Jourdain.
Additional shots: Je Page
Edited by: Julien Choiniere
Alex Gogo, Axel Stall, Dillon Ojo, Lp Dorval, Je Chalifoux, Niels Schack, Nic Reauhlt, Émile Veilleux and Gab Bélanger, Jo Truchon and Nic Roy.
Songs: Exclusive by Ilovemakonnen and Holyghost by Juicy J
New website -> thebruners.com