ジョン・ジャクソンとエリック・ジャクソンの兄弟たちを追ったBrothers on the Runから、エピソード10。
The brothers are still in Mexico surfing double overhead waves with professional surfer, Bruce Irons. After stopping in Puerto Escondido to hang with Coco Nogales, they decide to hit the road and continue their journey down south.
Last episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQjvPGD7tYI
All episodes! http://www.youtube.com/show/brothersontherun?s=1
Support Brothers for Hope http://Jaxunion.com
Stay tuned every other Tuesday!
Follow them on their journey through Twitter and Facebook!
@johnjamun https://twitter.com/#!/johnjamun
@Ejackshreds https://twitter.com/#!/Ejackshreds
Song List:
Meadowlark Five — "Red Freight" 1:20 — 4:46
Old Friend — "Lonely Road" 4:47 — 5:41
Zigitros — "Sinister" 5:42 — 7:23 http://goo.gl/uZkx9
Skitz — Rumble (Featuring Dynamite MC) 7:24 — 9:41 http://goo.gl/yOCCK
Hot Bodies in Motion — Physics 9:42 — 10:13 http://goo.gl/wfp4p
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