スウェーデンでレールやらしたら、コイツが一番うまいんじゃない?と言われている、ルドウィック・ レイケナーのストリート・ジビング模様がアップ!
Ludwig Lejkner has been featured in a lot of the rail mission posts so far this year, but now he get’s his own Snow Porn. It’s chock full of creative urban features and insane rail skills, remember this guy for the future.
Filmed by:
Andro Kajzer
Luka Stanovnik
Corey Koniniec
Gabe L’Heureux
Edited by:
Andro Kajzer
Music by:
Artist: Middle Brother (Featuring Johnny Corndawg)
Song: "Middle Brother"
Album: Middle Brother