If snowboarding was anything like Scrabble, Nicolas Müller would be an intimidating opponent. Triple word score combos with triple letter scores would lead to a stomping in no time. On the mountain, Nico strings lines together in a similar way. Watch and listen as he talks about the work that goes into filming and the one chance to land a trick—which is ironic because we thought he never fell.
"You don’t need to stick your head up a cow’s ass to check if the meat’s fresh, you take the butcher’s word for it. Nicolas, being the butcher of mountains, has his own way to explain what his riding is all about. The king of freeride is what I call him. Enjoy!" -Tim Manning
Filmed by:
Tim Manning
Corey Koniniec
Absinthe Films
Edited by:
Tim Manning
Music by:
Artist: Pepper Rabbit
Song: "Family Planning"
Album: Red Velvet Snowball