ユシー・オクサネン、マーク・ソラーズ、マイキー・レンツと言った、Burtonが誇るバックカントリー・ライディングのスターたちが登場する『Snow Porn – Bralorne Ultra Steeps Part 2』がアップ!
In the first segment from Bralorne, BC we told you that a lot of Burton riders were heading up that way to get some shots in the bag. Well, we weren’t kidding. Here is some more footage from part-time Bralorne locals Jussi Oksanen, Mikey Rencz and Mark Sollors. Bralorne is a sled ride away from a snowboarder’s untouched playground.
Filmed by:
Tim Manning
Hot Wing
Edited by:
Mark Cernosia
Music by:
Song: "Who Are You?"
Artist: Caned & Able
Album: Albino Bats