The Shred Show Big Hip 結果

広告 five  

昨夜、ウィスラーで開催されたThe Shred Show Big Hip (TTR 5 STAR)の結果をご紹介。



The Shred Show in Whistler, BC, is a TTR 5-star snowboard event. The Big Hip contest on Saturday night was a battle. The massive crowd was treated to huge airs, massive spins and amazing style, not to mention some spectacular crashes. In the end Darcy Sharpe’s array of tricks sealed the deal for him and he walked away with 15 thousand dollars. Not bad for a night’s work for a 16 year old kid.

Stay tuned for all the action this week from the Boarderstyle and Slopestyle contests.

The Shred Show Big Hip Final
1 Darcy Sharpe  CAN
2 Antoine Truchon  CAN
3 Jon Versteeg  CAN
4 Logan Haubrich  CAN
5 David Fortin  CAN
6 Justin Morgan  USA
7 Robby Balharry  CAN
8 Yale Cousino  USA
9  Logan Short  CAN
10 Derek Livingston CAN
