Ian Post最新作『Stitched Up Clipped Up』ティーザー

広告 five  

アメリカ東海岸あたりで暴れ回っているIan Postから、最新作『Stitched Up Clipped Up』のティーザーがアップ!

Here’s the official teaser for Ian Post’s east coast snowboarding movie Stitched Up Clipped Up – Coming to your TV or computer screen THIS month (August).


Luke Haddock | Yale Cousino | Riley Nickerson | Hans Mindnich | Shaun Murphy | Johnny O’Connor | Jeff Deforge | Dylan Dragotta | Tanner McCarty | Brad Hesson | Steve Lauder | Ben Wachowiak | Alex Hereford | John Murphy | Ralph Kucharek | & Friends

Produced, Filmed & Edited by:
Ian Post

Additional Video:
 George Watts, Trevor Harris, Eric Durand, Skylar Brent, Harry Hagan, Hans’ Head, Jonathan Goggin

Purchase or watch more on:
 championvisions.com (JPN)
 facebook.com/​stitched.up.clipped.up- Win some oakleys!


